[LLVMdev] Missed devirtualization opportunities

Kenneth Uildriks kennethuil at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 17:59:47 PDT 2010

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 7:26 PM, John McCall <rjmccall at apple.com> wrote:
> On Oct 13, 2010, at 5:09 PM, Kenneth Uildriks wrote:
>> But I believe the language does allow "undefined behavior" if there's
>> a use of pT when the pointed-to object isn't actually of type T.  It's
>> an invalid use in that case, right?
> Yes, but not for an arbitrary pointer which aliases pT.  That's why it's
> a problem that llm.invariant is specified in terms of memory;  if we get
> a pointer that we can prove aliases the invariant memory, we start
> making assumptions we aren't allowed to make.
> This C++ code might be well-formed, depending on what 'foo' does to its
> argument:
>  A *a = new A();
>  a->~A();
>  B *b = new (a) B();
>  foo(b);
>  a->bar();

I see the problem now.  My proposed rule would extend A's invariance
past A->bar, which would mess up any virtual calls through b before
foo was called...  Any way you cut it, you've gotta have different
pointers to the same memory assume different contents depending on
which one is being used at any particular point.  And since they can
alternate.... ugh.

Now if alias analysis denied that a and b MustAlias... let's take a few cases:

1. Placement new inside the function: we have to tell AA that a and b
don't alias.
2. Placement new inside a callee... we see a pointer returned from the
callee, but don't know what its value is.  alias analysis says that a
MayAlias b, unless the callee's return value is marked noalias, in
which case alias analysis says that a NoAlias b.  With either of these
results, the invariance on a->vtblptr is not applied to any loads of
b->vtblptr.  It is, however, applied to loads a->vtblptr, which is
exactly what we want.  And the reverse is true for any invariance
applied to b->vtblptr.

If the callee is ever inlined, we're back to case 1.

So now we need a way to arrange for pointers returned from placement
new to not alias pointers passed to placement new.  Preferably without
declaring placement new "noinline".

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