[LLVMdev] Building a backend outside the LLVM source tree

Torgny Andersson torgny.andersson at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 05:28:59 PST 2010

I'm trying to build a backend outside the LLVM source tree. My directory
structure is as follows:
  llvm -- the root of the LLVM source tree
  llvm/lib/Target -- where the standard backends are stored (Sparc, etc).
  my_dir/my_backend -- where I store the backend I'm writing.

I've been fiddeling with the variables documented in the
llvm/Makefile.common (LEVEL, LLVM_SRC_ROOT, PROJ_SRC_DIR, etc) but without
success. Is what I'm trying to do possible with the LLVM buildsystem? If so,

Thank you!

  / Torgny
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