[LLVMdev] Relocation and symbol types

Olivier Meurant meurant.olivier at gmail.com
Wed May 12 13:23:25 PDT 2010

Hi everyone,

I have questions about relocations.

- "normal" relocation (current global mapping of the JIT ?)  needs to be
patch in code and relatively to the address of the code.
- .LJTI are emitted because of a "switch"-like construct : this is the
jumping table, the address of this table (in "data" section) needs to be
patch in code section.
- .LBB are emitted because of a "switch"-like construct : They need to be
patch with code address but in the "data" section. (I understand BB as
address of "Basic Block")
- .LCPI : It seems to be related to "constant pool entry" but I have no clue
on what they are for. Anyone ?
- .Ltmp : No clue on what it is used for, but it seems safe to ignore them ?

Are you aware of other "special" relocations, of their meaning and on how to
patch them ?
Perhaps someone has a good link on a documentation/code/explanation ?

Thanks !
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