[LLVMdev] Separate loop condition and loop body

Trevor Harmon Trevor.W.Harmon at nasa.gov
Mon May 10 11:05:07 PDT 2010

On May 10, 2010, at 8:43 AM, Xinfinity wrote:

> Is it possible to get the list of BasicBlocks building the condition  
> of a
> loop and the list of BasicBlocks that form the body?

Based on my (limited) experience with Loop and LoopInfo, this isn't  
possible. (But don't take my word for it.)

> My aim is to manipulate for loops, while and do-while loops unitary,  
> but I
> did not find an easy way to do this.

I think the problem here is that LLVM's CFG is low-level enough such  
that the distinction between the loop header expression and the loop  
body is lost.

Why exactly do you need to identify the blocks that form the loop  
header expression? I'm wondering if you could find some workaround  
that doesn't require this...


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