[LLVMdev] Machine Verifier question.

Lang Hames lhames at gmail.com
Sun May 9 05:27:16 PDT 2010

Running the following command,

llc -asm-verbose=false -O3 Output/ReedSolomon.llvm.bc -o
Output/ReedSolomon.llc.s -verify-machineinstrs

in llvm-test/SingleSource/Benchmarks/Misc currently yields seven errors, all
of the form

*** Bad machine code: PHI operand is not live-out from predecessor ***
- function:    main
- basic block: bb2.i.preheader 0x1ba7680 (BB#5)
- instruction: %reg1032<def> = PHI %reg1280, <BB#3>, %reg1287, <BB#4>
- operand 1:   %reg1280

The code seems to run ok though.

Is this something that's worth looking in to, or just over zealous reporting
by the machine verifier?

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