[LLVMdev] "Different" Summer of Code Ideas

Lucas Silva landir at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 05:28:55 PDT 2010

Hi Daniel,
I'm an interested student in that idea I enjoy building web apps and I
have good experience. I've worked with PHP, Javascript (Jquery, Dojo,
...), Java (JSF, Struts, ...), and some databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL,
...) ... for more than 7 years. I graduated in 2005 and this year I've
started doing Masters. For this year I have to study LLVM because it
can be part of my thesis and it would be nice to contribuite with LLVM
community and participate in GSoC.
Lucas da Costa Silva

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Daniel Dunbar <daniel at zuster.org> wrote:
> Hello LLVMers (in particular, LLVMers interested in GSoC),
> Since people seem interested in GSoC project ideas, here is one that
> might not be totally obvious -- work on LLVM's testing infrastructure!
> :)
> I have been working hard on modernizing our nightly test performance
> monitoring software, but there is a lot more work to be done. As LLVM
> developers, we rely on this software for tracking performance, but
> don't get much time to maintain or improve it.
> I would really like to find a motivated student who enjoys building
> user interfaces and web apps (and preferably has some experience) and
> would like to contribute to the LLVM project. There are lots of
> opportunities to make an interesting project out of this -- either at
> a very application level by redefining the UI, or at a more research
> level by focusing on the compiler-related aspects of performance
> testings (for example, automatically looking for micro-architectural
> performance variations).
> Please let me know if you are interested in this kind of a Summer of
> Code project.
> Cheers,
>  - Daniel
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