[LLVMdev] Question about using steensgaard's pointer analysis in poolalloc

聪明陈 ustccmchen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 00:33:22 PDT 2010

Hi LLVM dev team:
      I am now doing an experiment to comparing Steensgaard-style and
Andersen-style pointer analysis on LLVM. Since steensgaard pointer analysis
is in module "poolalloc", so I installed poolalloc release 2.6 on my
machine(intel X86_64 RedHatEnterpriseLinux 5.1, gcc-4.2.4), two directories
"include" and "lib" were created after installation but no binary files
      I loaded poolalloc module into opt program according to the poolalloc
"README" file:
      *opt -load <path to pool allocator> -poolalloc <other opt options>*
      Here's my command:
      *opt -load=/home/cmchen/INSTALL/llvm-common/lib/libpoolalloc_rt.so
-poolalloc -analyze -print-alias-sets test.bc*
      and here's the error message:
      *opt: Unknown command line argument '-poolalloc'    Try: 'opt --help'
 So, my questions are:
 1 Did I install the poolalloc module in a wrong way? or I just did not
completely installed the module?
 2 How should I load the module correctly? I just use the path of poolalloc
shared object file to be the <path to pool allocator>, cause no binary file
has been generated.
    Could you give me some suggestion? Thank you.
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