[LLVMdev] Fwd: I can't find the document about the options of hgsubversion.

罗勇刚(Yonggang Luo) luoyonggang at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 17:43:53 PST 2010

I don't know if hg is a possible choice for llvm-project.
Because we can using hgsubversion interactive with subversion.
That's means we need only an svn server. and create an hg minor.
And we can push to and pull from the subversion server.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 罗勇刚(Yonggang Luo) <luoyonggang at gmail.com>
Date: 2010/3/4
Subject: I can't find the document about the options of hgsubversion.
To: hgsubversion at googlecode.com

Once I using hg clone svn://localhost/project/
Now I just can directly clone it.
But once I using the command
hg help clone.
I get the result as follows.
* -U --noupdate      the clone will include an empty working copy (only a*
*                    repository)*
* -u --updaterev     revision, tag or branch to check out*
* -r --rev           include the specified changeset*
* -b --branch        clone only the specified branch*
*    --pull          use pull protocol to copy metadata*
*    --uncompressed  use uncompressed transfer (fast over LAN)*
* -e --ssh           specify ssh command to use*
*    --remotecmd     specify hg command to run on the remote side*
*    --stupid        use slower, but more compatible, protocol for
* -T --tagpaths      list of paths to search for tags in Subversion*
*                    repositories*
* -A --authors       file mapping Subversion usernames to Mercurial authors*
*    --filemap       file containing rules for remapping Subversion
*                    paths*
*    --layout        import standard layout or single directory? Can be*
*                    standard, single, or auto. (default: auto)*
*    --branchmap     file containing rules for branch conversion*
*use "hg -v help clone" to show global options*

And  I noticed that -A and -T -e  and also other options in hg clone.
I know -A -T -e  is related to subversion. But I don't know if other options
is also related to  subversion.

And I can't find the documents for these options:)
So, is there anyone can give me the documents links for these options?
I want to create an hg minor for.


and others.
Yonggang Luo

Yonggang Luo
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