[LLVMdev] Help with Mac OS X 10.6.2 build

Filipe Cabecinhas filcab at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 15:58:58 PST 2010


My scripts were for LLVM HEAD (I never used a point release ;-) ). Try 
removing the "host" target... maybe that was only added recently, to 
allow not changing build scripts while making sure the "host" code 
emitter was there.



On 2/8/10 03:37, Todd Rovito wrote:
> Filipe,
>      Thanks for the help!  I am getting a configure error with llvm-2.6
> now.  Here is what I got:
> echo $TARGETS
> host,x86,x86_64,cpp
> Todd-Rovitos-MacBook:llvm-2.6-build rovitotv$ ../llvm-2.6/configure
> --prefix=/opt/llvm/ --enable-bindings=none --enable-targets=$TARGETS
> --enable-optimized --with-llvmgccdir=/opt/llvm/
> --with-llvm-externals=/opt
> I get the following configure error:
> configure: error: Unrecognized target host
> It appears 'host' is not a valid target for 2.6, are your scripts for
> 2.6?  Thanks again.

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