[LLVMdev] Why google-perftools fails to detect stack of JITted code? (with option -disable-fp-elim set)

Yuri yuri at rawbw.com
Sat Dec 18 21:38:17 PST 2010

I have this problem: google-perftools fails to detect stack for the code 
run under JIT called through C++ api from my program. It shows in 
profile like all program is one block with the name _init.
I clearly do set the option NoFramePointerElim and I do see how it makes 
a difference in stack frame under gdb.

When running some code in JIT in lli (with option -disable-fp-elim) 
google perftools is able to detect stack and build the correct profile.

Problem only exists in linux/i386. On FreeBSD/amd64 google perftools 
detects stack fine for exactly the same program.

How can I understand why google-perftools fails on JITted code?
Is it possible to print all options used by JIT in code generation in 
one string to be able to compare?


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