[LLVMdev] llvm-mc ELF, macho PEcoff

Marius wishinet at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 15 14:36:52 PST 2010


I think llvm-mc did amazing work and I'm stunned ;). - So I start
reading source-code and making notes.
To my question: At which state is the disassembly for PEcoff or ELF?

I read the blog (http://blog.llvm.org/2010/04/intro-to-llvm-mc-project.html):
The MC components have been designed to be object file independent
(e.g. work for MachO, ELF, PE-COFF etc) but only have an
implementation for MachO (used on Mac OS/X systems). Adding support
for ELF and/or PE-COFF should be reasonably straight-forward.
I don't even see the MachO support. macho-dump only dumps Macho header
information.It doesn't seem to do much more. I'm on svn 121904. Could
someone fill me in on how to selectively disassemble something with
this undocumented tool-chain. I'd like to see support for binary
contains, but I cannot find proper references about what has already
been done.


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