[LLVMdev] The best way to cope with AllocationInst type in old code?

Hamid 2C hamid2c at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 00:18:43 PST 2010

Hi all,

I am working on some old code which was compiled against llvm-2.5.
Anyway, in some places I, AllocationInst is used (e.g. to ensure the
instruction's type). Even in your current documentation
(http://llvm.org/docs/ProgrammersManual.html), I found an example that
uses this instruction.
If I got it correctly, this istruction (AllocationInst) has been
removed from llvm instruction set. How can I recode the behavior one
can expect from the AllocationInst? Should I check for call
instructions to malloc?

I'm new to llvm and I would really appreciate any comment or suggestion.


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