[LLVMdev] How to demange C++ names

Xiaolong Tang xiaolong.snake at gmail.com
Fri Aug 27 11:43:47 PDT 2010

Hi Renato, 

> > Just wondering if LLVM has any command options or tool to allow for
> > demangling C++ names from the LLVM bitcode?
> c++filt?

Do you refer to any particular version of c++filt? I tried, but seemed
not to work. For example, when I run a command as below: 

  c++filt _ZNSt4listIiSaIiEEaSERKS1_

The output remains the same as the input symbol. 

By the way, when I run 
  c++filt -v 

It outputs: 

  GNU c++filt 070207 20070207
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