[LLVMdev] Call for Help: Testing

David Greene dag at cray.com
Wed Apr 7 14:32:58 PDT 2010

On Wednesday 07 April 2010 15:36:28 Chandler Carruth wrote:

> > But where was it posted to let people know about it?
> It was posted to the dev mailing lists. In fact, that's the *exact* same
> place that your email was posted. How can you claim that this is impossible
> or even hard to find, and yet send emails to it expecting people to find,
> read, and take action based on them? (Remember, your subject line was 'Call
> for help'...)

I didn't say "impossible," but it is difficult to find.  I couldn't find it
with a gmane search, for example.

Hey, I missed some of the e-mails and I stand corrected.  It happens.

Not sure why the anxiety level seems to be increasing.

> > Nope.  I've seen master bugs with other projects, but I don't see
> > anything on the LLVM website to direct me.
> Seriously? http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=llvm+2.7+release+master+bug

Please, let's keep this a friendly place, ok?

I didn't type that into google.  I typed "llvmdev 2.7" and "llvmdev 6586."  
The latter only brings up the last e-mail Tanya posted.  I did multiple
gmane searches with no luck.

We can't expect everyone to think of googling exactly the same thing.

I'm only relating my experience.  I had hoped this would be a helpful 
set of suggestions.

> > Hmm, I'm sure I got it.  I must have missed it.  I can't read the list
> > every day and after a few days things get pretty backed up.
> I'm not sure why you think burying links that are only relevant for a
> narrow window of time in a long-lived webpage is more discoverable than

Who said the link should be buried?  It could be on the front page in the
"Upcoming Release" box.

I'm trying to help us become a more helpful community, especially for new
people and those who can't spend a lot of volunteer time on LLVM but still
want to help.  What I don't want to see is people getting scolded for not
doing enough.  That doesn't help any of us.

Let's end the thread as it's not doing anyone any good at this point.


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