[LLVMdev] spec tests + PWD=

David Goodwin david_goodwin at apple.com
Tue Sep 1 12:39:11 PDT 2009

I did make that change to support the following code in  
ToolRunner.cpp. I found that if I did not explicitly set PWD when  
invoking bugpoint, then it would not be in the environment. I'm not  
sure why PWD is not being inherited... perhaps some make weirdness...  
or bash??? and I don't know how it ever worked before my change.

     // Full path to the binary. We need to cd to the exec directory  
     // there is a dylib there that the exec expects to find in the CWD
     char* env_pwd = getenv("PWD");
     std::string Exec = "cd ";
     Exec += env_pwd;

Perhaps I shouldn't have added it to Makefile.spec? At the least it  
seems like it should probably move to the beginning of the command,  
like this:

	PWD=$(CURDIR)  $(SPEC_SANDBOX) bugpoint-$(RUN_TYPE) $@ $(REF_IN_DIR) \
	    $(LBUGPOINT) -llc-safe ../$*.noopt-llvm.bc -std-compile-opts $ 


On Aug 30, 2009, at 8:25 PM, Chris Lattner wrote:

> Hi David,
> It looks like you added the PWD= magic to Makefile.spec.  It is  
> preventing me from running bugpoint on the desktop, with errors like  
> this:
> /Users/sabre/llvm/projects/llvm-test/External/SPEC/Sandbox.sh  
> bugpoint-train Output/176.gcc.bugpoint-opt /Users/sabre/cvs/ 
> benchmarks/speccpu2000/benchspec/CINT2000/176.gcc/data/train/input/ \
> 	    PWD=/Volumes/Data/Users/sabre/llvm/projects/llvm-test/External/ 
> SPEC/CINT2000/176.gcc /Users/sabre/llvm/Debug/bin/bugpoint -llc- 
> safe ../176.gcc.noopt-llvm.bc -std-compile-opts  \
> 	    -append-exit-code   -Xlinker=-lm  -input=/dev/null -output=../ 
> 176.gcc.out-nat -timeout=500 --tool-args -asm-verbose=false -O3 -- 
> args -- cp-decl.i -o - -quiet
> Running: PWD=/Volumes/Data/Users/sabre/llvm/projects/llvm-test/ 
> External/SPEC/CINT2000/176.gcc /Users/sabre/llvm/Debug/bin/bugpoint - 
> llc-safe ../176.gcc.noopt-llvm.bc -std-compile-opts -append-exit- 
> code -Xlinker=-lm -input=/dev/null -output=../176.gcc.out-nat - 
> timeout=500 --tool-args -asm-verbose=false -O3 --args -- cp-decl.i - 
> o - -quiet
> /Users/sabre/llvm/projects/llvm-test/External/SPEC/Sandbox.sh: line  
> 36: /Volumes/Data/Users/sabre/llvm/projects/llvm-test/External/SPEC/ 
> CINT2000/176.gcc/Output/bugpoint-train/PWD=/Volumes/Data/Users/sabre/ 
> llvm/projects/llvm-test/External/SPEC/CINT2000/176.gcc: No such file  
> or directory
> /Users/sabre/llvm/projects/llvm-test/External/SPEC/Sandbox.sh: line  
> 36: exec: /Volumes/Data/Users/sabre/llvm/projects/llvm-test/External/ 
> SPEC/CINT2000/176.gcc/Output/bugpoint-train/PWD=/Volumes/Data/Users/ 
> sabre/llvm/projects/llvm-test/External/SPEC/CINT2000/176.gcc: cannot  
> execute: No such file or directory
> I think this comes down to SPEC/Sandbox.sh turning around and  
> exec'ing its arguments, which include the PWD= line.  This is  
> failing, but I'm not sure why (maybe it's because I'm using tcsh as  
> my shell, not bash).  Is there a way to fix this without reverting  
> the patch?
> -Chris

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