[LLVMdev] Viewing graphs while debugging code under windows?
Arnaud Allard de Grandmaison
Arnaud.AllardDeGrandMaison at dibcom.com
Mon Nov 30 23:51:36 PST 2009
Hi Ether,
The detection for graphviz / dotty / ... has been added recently to llvm cmake. It should work properly if those tools are available in the PATH. The related svn commits are : 86153, 86547 and 86644. Those commits are not present in llvm release <= 2.6, but they are straight forward to apply.
Best regards,
Arnaud de Grandmaison
-----Original Message-----
From: llvmdev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu [mailto:llvmdev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu] On Behalf Of Javier Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 7:57 AM
To: ether zhhb
Cc: LLVM Developers Mailing List
Subject: Re: [LLVMdev] Viewing graphs while debugging code under windows?
Hi Ether,
I work under Windows and am able to view graphs generated by LLVM. I
haven't tried generating and viewing dog graphs while debugging but I
hope this helps. What I do is to invoke llc.exe and pass a switch to
generate the graph at the stage(s) you want to see (DAG combine,
legalize, scheduling, etc), for example: llc.exe mykernel.ll
-view-legalize-dags -f. The graphs are saved as .dot files in the user's
temp directory in a randomly generated subdirectory name that starts
with LLVM. I open the file using GVedit.exe and then click on run. I set
the layout engine to 'dot' and the output file type to 'png'. The rest
of the GVedit settings are the default. Click ok on the settings page
and you're done. You should see a .png file in the temp directory.
On 11/30/2009 10:29 PM, ether zhhb wrote:
> hi eli,
> i delete the cache of cmake, and reconfigure the project, but
> HAVE_GRAPHVIZ still undefine. do you know what i should do? thanks
> very much.
> regards
> --ether
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Eli Friedman<eli.friedman at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 8:32 PM, ether zhhb<etherzhhb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> i just install gv and dotty for windows, but i cant see any way to
>>> configure it using cmake.
>>> is Viewing graphs under windows supported? and how could i configure it?
>> LLVM doesn't use a specific search path to find the relevant
>> executables for that feature. I don't see any obvious reason why it
>> shouldn't work as long as the relevant executables are available in
>> the PATH.
>> -Eli
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