[LLVMdev] how to get the InvodInst 's Operand Name?

Duncan Sands baldrick at free.fr
Thu Mar 26 03:51:15 PDT 2009

Hi zhangzw,

>> invoke void @__cxa_throw(i8* %7, i8* bitcast
>> (%struct.__fundamental_type_info_pseudo* @_ZTIi to i8*), void (i8*)*
>> null)
>> noreturn         to label %invcont unwind label %lpad
> >>are you trying to get the name "@_ZTIi" or "@__cxa_throw"?
> yes! i want get the name @_ZTi or @__cxa_throw,
> the latter @__cxa_throw i can get it throw  value->getName(), but the
>  @_ZTi it  did n't has  name!

if II is the invoke instruction, you can get the names as follows:

  "@__cxa_throw": II->getCalledFunction()->getValueName()
  "@_ZTi": II->getOperand(4)->stripPointerCasts()->getValueName()

The first one won't work for indirect calls.  The second one
won't work in more complicated situations.  Why do you want
the names anyway?



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