[LLVMdev] how to reslove gcc_except_table?

zhengjian zhang zhangzhengjian at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 19:42:17 PDT 2009

    maybe this should not be here!

the test  code:

int main()
    try {
        throw 34;
    catch (int) {
    catch (char) {
    catch (bool) {

compile with  g++ -S -dA  eh3.cpp -o eh3.s

the  except table of the eh3.s

   106          .section        .gcc_except_table,"a", at progbits
   107          .align 4
   108  .LLSDA2:
   109          .byte   0xff    # @LPStart format (omit)
   110          .byte   0x0     # @TType format (absolute)
   111          .uleb128 .LLSDATT2-.LLSDATTD2   # @TType base offset
   112  .LLSDATTD2:
   113          .byte   0x1     # call-site format (uleb128)
   114          .uleb128 .LLSDACSE2-.LLSDACSB2  # Call-site table length
   115  .LLSDACSB2:
   116          .uleb128 0x0    # region 0 landing pad
   117          .uleb128 0x5    # action
   118  .LLSDACSE2:
   119          .byte   0x1     # Action record table
   120          .byte   0x0
   121          .byte   0x2
   122          .byte   0x7d
   123          .byte   0x3
   124          .byte   0x7d
   125          .align 4
   126          .long   _ZTIi
   127          .long   _ZTIc
   128          .long   _ZTIb
   129  .LLSDATT2:

ok: my problem is the action(line 117) how to index to the action record table?
      in Action record table , why there are the magic 0x7d?.

$ g++ -v
$ Using built-in specs.
$ Target: i686-pc-linux-gnu
$ Configured with: ../gcc-4.3.2/configure --prefix=~/gcc-4.3.2-install
--enable-languages=c,c++  --with-mpfr=~/mpfr-2.4.1-install
$ Thread model: posix
$ gcc version 4.3.2 (GCC)

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