[LLVMdev] Consumer ARM platform suitable for LLVM development?

Dietmar Ebner ebner at complang.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Mar 12 03:17:33 PDT 2009

On Mar 11, 2009, at 9:44 PM, Misha Brukman wrote:
> The problem I've had is building an LLVM cross-compiler from Linux/ 
> x86 to Linux/ARM (as has another llvm-dev poster).  Someone  
> mentioned to me off-list that he managed to get it to build, but I  
> haven't been able to reproduce the build using his instructions  
> (I'll post my results in another thread).

I've been successfully experimenting with an arm-softfloat-linux-gnu  
cross-compiler at the time of llvm 2.1. The easiest way to get this  
working is to use Dan Kegel's crosstool to build a regular gcc  
toolchain. This will give you binutils, libgcc, and glibc, which you  
will need anyway.

Building llvm-gcc was relatively painless. The only problem I've  
encountered was that my target had no hardware floating point support  
and the endianess for the softfloat implementation (libgcc) differed  
from integer endianess, which required some patches at the llvm side.  
I have not checked if this is still necessary. If you run into the  
same problems, I would be happy to share the patch (which I have  
updated to llvm 2.4 at some point).


[1] http://www.kegel.com/crosstool/

Dietmar Ebner
CD Laboratory - Compilation Techniques for Embedded Processors
Institut fuer Computersprachen  E: ebner at complang.tuwien.ac.at
Technische Universitaet Wien    T: (+431) 58801-58521
Argentinierstrasse 8 / E1851    F: (+431) 58801-18598
1040 Wien, Austria              W: www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/cd/ebner

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