[LLVMdev] a different hash for APInts

Robert G. Jakabosky bobby at sharedrealm.com
Wed Mar 11 16:16:43 PDT 2009

On Wednesday 11, Stuart Hastings wrote:
> I have NOT exhaustively tested this new hash function.  While the
> improvement on this particular testcase is undeniable, I suspect that
> for every hash function there is a pathological testcase that behaves
> badly.  Ergo, I offer this hash to the list for comment: Is this a
> good choice?  Is "hash ^= hash6432shift(pVal[i]);" a good choice for
> hashing multi-word integers?  Is there a better hash I should use
> instead? Should I be solving the problem in another way entirely?

Here are some good hash functions that I found when searching for a fast hash 


I would recommend the FNV hash function from the first link.

Also here is Google's fast SparseHash (also has a dense version too):

Robert G. Jakabosky

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