[LLVMdev] LLVM optmization

Manoel Teixeira manoel at fonetica.com.br
Wed Jan 7 02:56:05 PST 2009

The following C test program was  compiled using LLVM with -O3 option  and MSVC with /O2.
The MSVC one is about 600 times faster than the one compiled with the LLVM.
We can see that the for loop in MSVC assembler is solved in the optimization pass more efficiently than that in LLVM.
Is there an way to get a optimization result in LLVM like that of the MSVC?
Manoel Teixeira 

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int  TESTE ( int  parami ,int  paraml ,double  paramd  ) 
  int varx=0,vary=0;
  int nI =0;

    if( parami > 0  ) 
   varx = parami;
   vary = 0;
   varx = 0;
   vary = paraml;
  for( nI = 1 ;   nI <=  paraml; nI++)
    varx =  varx + parami + 1 ;
	vary =  varx + nI;

return varx ;
unsigned long thread_call( LPVOID c ) 
	int num = 1;
	int (*fp)(int, int, double) = (int (*)(int, int,double)) c;
	//printf("\n(1)threadid =  %ld seqt=%ld inum=%d",GetCurrentThreadId(),num,inum);
	int ret = fp(num,1000000000,1);
	printf("\n(2)leu %ld threadid =  %ld seqt=%ld ",ret , GetCurrentThreadId(),num);
	return (unsigned long) ret;
unsigned long tini;
unsigned long tfim;
#define getmilisecs(x) (x)
#define num_th 100
unsigned long milisecs() { return getmilisecs(tfim-tini);}; 
unsigned long secs() { return milisecs()/1000;}; 
const char *spenttime () 
	static char buffer[64];
	unsigned long systime			=	 secs();
	unsigned long milisectime		=	 milisecs()%1000;
	return (const char*) buffer;
//fim cronometro
int main(int a, char **b)
 int i;
 DWORD  iThreadId;
 HANDLE mainThread[num_th];
 tfim 	= 	0;
 tini	=	GetTickCount();
 for(i=0;	i<	num_th;i++)
		mainThread[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)thread_call, (LPVOID)TESTE, 0, (DWORD *)&iThreadId);
 //WaitForMultipleObjects(  num_th,  (const HANDLE* )mainThread,  TRUE,  INFINITE);
  for( i=0; i < num_th;  i++)
	WaitForSingleObject( mainThread[i], INFINITE ); 
  tfim = GetTickCount();
 printf("\n chamou = %s",spenttime () );
 return 0;

; ModuleID = 'testeadvpl.c'
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:32:32"
target triple = "i386-mingw32"
	%struct._SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES = type { i32, i8*, i32 }
@tfim = common global i32 0		; <i32*> [#uses=5]
@tini = common global i32 0		; <i32*> [#uses=5]
@.str = internal constant [38 x i8] c"\0A(2)leu %ld threadid =  %ld seqt=%ld \00"		; <[38 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@buffer.30732 = internal global [64 x i8] zeroinitializer, align 32		; <[64 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str1 = internal constant [20 x i8] c"%02d:%02d:%02d:%03d\00"		; <[20 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str2 = internal constant [14 x i8] c"\0A chamou = %s\00"		; <[14 x i8]*> [#uses=1]

define i32 @TESTE(i32 %parami, i32 %paraml, double %paramd) nounwind readnone {
	%0 = icmp sgt i32 %parami, 0		; <i1> [#uses=1]
	%varx.0 = select i1 %0, i32 %parami, i32 0		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%1 = icmp slt i32 %paraml, 1		; <i1> [#uses=1]
	br i1 %1, label %bb5, label %bb.nph

bb.nph:		; preds = %entry
	%2 = add i32 %parami, 1		; <i32> [#uses=2]
	br label %bb3

bb3:		; preds = %bb3, %bb.nph
	%indvar = phi i32 [ 0, %bb.nph ], [ %indvar.next, %bb3 ]		; <i32> [#uses=3]
	%tmp = icmp slt i32 %parami, 0		; <i1> [#uses=1]
	%smax = select i1 %tmp, i32 0, i32 %parami		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%tmp11 = mul i32 %indvar, %2		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%varx.18 = add i32 %tmp11, %smax		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%3 = add i32 %2, %varx.18		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%4 = add i32 %indvar, 2		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%5 = icmp sgt i32 %4, %paraml		; <i1> [#uses=1]
	%indvar.next = add i32 %indvar, 1		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	br i1 %5, label %bb5, label %bb3

bb5:		; preds = %bb3, %entry
	%varx.1.lcssa = phi i32 [ %varx.0, %entry ], [ %3, %bb3 ]		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	ret i32 %varx.1.lcssa

define i32 @milisecs() nounwind readonly {
	%0 = load i32* @tfim, align 4		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%1 = load i32* @tini, align 4		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%2 = sub i32 %0, %1		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	ret i32 %2

define i32 @thread_call(i8* %c) nounwind {
	%0 = bitcast i8* %c to i32 (i32, i32, double)*		; <i32 (i32, i32, double)*> [#uses=1]
	%1 = tail call i32 %0(i32 1, i32 1000000000, double 1.000000e+000) nounwind		; <i32> [#uses=2]
	%2 = tail call x86_stdcallcc i32 @GetCurrentThreadId() nounwind		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%3 = tail call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* getelementptr ([38 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %1, i32 %2, i32 1) nounwind		; <i32> [#uses=0]
	ret i32 %1

declare x86_stdcallcc i32 @GetCurrentThreadId()

declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) nounwind

define i32 @secs() nounwind readonly {
	%0 = load i32* @tfim, align 4		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%1 = load i32* @tini, align 4		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%2 = sub i32 %0, %1		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%3 = udiv i32 %2, 1000		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	ret i32 %3

define i8* @spenttime() nounwind {
	%0 = load i32* @tfim, align 4		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%1 = load i32* @tini, align 4		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%2 = sub i32 %0, %1		; <i32> [#uses=3]
	%3 = udiv i32 %2, 1000		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%4 = urem i32 %2, 1000		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%5 = urem i32 %3, 3600		; <i32> [#uses=2]
	%6 = urem i32 %5, 60		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%7 = udiv i32 %5, 60		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%8 = udiv i32 %2, 3600000		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%9 = tail call i32 (i8*, i8*, ...)* @sprintf(i8* getelementptr ([64 x i8]* @buffer.30732, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([20 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %8, i32 %7, i32 %6, i32 %4) nounwind		; <i32> [#uses=0]
	ret i8* getelementptr ([64 x i8]* @buffer.30732, i32 0, i32 0)

declare i32 @sprintf(i8*, i8*, ...) nounwind

define i32 @main(i32 %a, i8** %b) nounwind {
	%mainThread = alloca [100 x i8*]		; <[100 x i8*]*> [#uses=2]
	%iThreadId = alloca i32		; <i32*> [#uses=1]
	store i32 0, i32* @tfim, align 4
	%0 = call x86_stdcallcc i32 @GetTickCount() nounwind		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	store i32 %0, i32* @tini, align 4
	br label %bb

bb:		; preds = %bb, %entry
	%i.0.reg2mem.0 = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %indvar.next14, %bb ]		; <i32> [#uses=2]
	%1 = call x86_stdcallcc i8* @CreateThread(%struct._SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* null, i32 0, i32 (i8*)* @thread_call, i8* bitcast (i32 (i32, i32, double)* @TESTE to i8*), i32 0, i32* %iThreadId) nounwind		; <i8*> [#uses=1]
	%2 = getelementptr [100 x i8*]* %mainThread, i32 0, i32 %i.0.reg2mem.0		; <i8**> [#uses=1]
	store i8* %1, i8** %2, align 4
	%indvar.next14 = add i32 %i.0.reg2mem.0, 1		; <i32> [#uses=2]
	%exitcond15 = icmp eq i32 %indvar.next14, 100		; <i1> [#uses=1]
	br i1 %exitcond15, label %bb3, label %bb

bb3:		; preds = %bb3, %bb
	%i.1.reg2mem.0 = phi i32 [ 0, %bb ], [ %indvar.next, %bb3 ]		; <i32> [#uses=2]
	%3 = getelementptr [100 x i8*]* %mainThread, i32 0, i32 %i.1.reg2mem.0		; <i8**> [#uses=2]
	%4 = load i8** %3, align 4		; <i8*> [#uses=1]
	%5 = call x86_stdcallcc i32 @WaitForSingleObject(i8* %4, i32 -1) nounwind		; <i32> [#uses=0]
	%6 = load i8** %3, align 4		; <i8*> [#uses=1]
	%7 = call x86_stdcallcc i32 @CloseHandle(i8* %6) nounwind		; <i32> [#uses=0]
	%indvar.next = add i32 %i.1.reg2mem.0, 1		; <i32> [#uses=2]
	%exitcond = icmp eq i32 %indvar.next, 100		; <i1> [#uses=1]
	br i1 %exitcond, label %bb5, label %bb3

bb5:		; preds = %bb3
	%8 = call x86_stdcallcc i32 @GetTickCount() nounwind		; <i32> [#uses=2]
	store i32 %8, i32* @tfim, align 4
	%9 = load i32* @tini, align 4		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%10 = sub i32 %8, %9		; <i32> [#uses=3]
	%11 = udiv i32 %10, 1000		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%12 = urem i32 %10, 1000		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%13 = urem i32 %11, 3600		; <i32> [#uses=2]
	%14 = urem i32 %13, 60		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%15 = udiv i32 %13, 60		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%16 = udiv i32 %10, 3600000		; <i32> [#uses=1]
	%17 = call i32 (i8*, i8*, ...)* @sprintf(i8* getelementptr ([64 x i8]* @buffer.30732, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([20 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %16, i32 %15, i32 %14, i32 %12) nounwind		; <i32> [#uses=0]
	%18 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* getelementptr ([14 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([64 x i8]* @buffer.30732, i32 0, i32 0)) nounwind		; <i32> [#uses=0]
	ret i32 0

declare x86_stdcallcc i32 @GetTickCount()

declare x86_stdcallcc i8* @CreateThread(%struct._SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES*, i32, i32 (i8*)*, i8*, i32, i32*)

declare x86_stdcallcc i32 @WaitForSingleObject(i8*, i32)

declare x86_stdcallcc i32 @CloseHandle(i8*)
; Listing generated by Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 

	TITLE	C:\msys\1.0\home\mteixeira\testeadvpl.c
	include listing.inc
	.model	flat


; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
; File c:\msys\1.0\home\mteixeira\testeadvpl.c
_parami$ = 8						; size = 4
_paraml$ = 12						; size = 4
_paramd$ = 16						; size = 8

; 6    :   int varx=0,vary=0;
; 7    :   int nI =0;
; 8    :   //varx= parami;
; 9    :     if( parami > 0  ) 

	mov	ecx, DWORD PTR _parami$[esp-4]

; 10   : 	{
; 11   :    varx = parami;
; 12   :    vary = 0;
; 13   : 	}
; 14   :   else
; 15   :   {
; 16   :    varx = 0;
; 17   :    vary = paraml;
; 18   :   }
; 19   :   for( nI = 1 ;   nI <=  paraml; nI++)

	mov	edx, DWORD PTR _paraml$[esp-4]
	xor	eax, eax
	test	ecx, ecx
	setle	al
	sub	eax, 1
	and	eax, ecx
	cmp	edx, 1
	add	ecx, 1
	imul	ecx, edx
	add	eax, ecx
$LN3 at TESTE:

; 20   :   {
; 21   :     varx =  varx + parami + 1 ;
; 22   : 	vary =  varx + nI;
; 23   :   }
; 24   : 
; 25   : return varx ;
; 26   : }

	ret	0
PUBLIC	??_C at _0CG@LBAPCNHJ@?6?$CI2?$CJleu?5?$CFld?5threadid?5?$DN?5?5?$CFld?5seqt@ ; `string'
PUBLIC	__real at 3ff0000000000000
PUBLIC	_thread_call
EXTRN	_printf:PROC
EXTRN	__imp__GetCurrentThreadId at 0:PROC
EXTRN	__fltused:DWORD
;	COMDAT ??_C at _0CG@LBAPCNHJ@?6?$CI2?$CJleu?5?$CFld?5threadid?5?$DN?5?5?$CFld?5seqt@
??_C at _0CG@LBAPCNHJ@?6?$CI2?$CJleu?5?$CFld?5threadid?5?$DN?5?5?$CFld?5seqt@ DB 0aH
	DB	'(2)leu %ld threadid =  %ld seqt=%ld ', 00H	; `string'
;	COMDAT __real at 3ff0000000000000
__real at 3ff0000000000000 DQ 03ff0000000000000r	; 1
; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
;	COMDAT _thread_call
_c$ = 8							; size = 4
_thread_call PROC					; COMDAT

; 29   : 	int num = 1;
; 30   : 	int (*fp)(int, int, double) = (int (*)(int, int,double)) c;
; 31   : 	//printf("\n(1)threadid =  %ld seqt=%ld inum=%d",GetCurrentThreadId(),num,inum);
; 32   : 	int ret = fp(num,1000000000,1);

	push	esi
	sub	esp, 8
	fstp	QWORD PTR [esp]
	push	1000000000				; 3b9aca00H
	push	1
	call	DWORD PTR _c$[esp+16]
	add	esp, 16					; 00000010H

; 33   : 	printf("\n(2)leu %ld threadid =  %ld seqt=%ld ",ret , GetCurrentThreadId(),num);

	push	1
	mov	esi, eax
	call	DWORD PTR __imp__GetCurrentThreadId at 0
	push	eax
	push	esi
	push	OFFSET ??_C at _0CG@LBAPCNHJ@?6?$CI2?$CJleu?5?$CFld?5threadid?5?$DN?5?5?$CFld?5seqt@
	call	_printf
	add	esp, 16					; 00000010H

; 34   : 	return (unsigned long) ret;

	mov	eax, esi
	pop	esi

; 35   : }

	ret	0
_thread_call ENDP
PUBLIC	_milisecs
; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
;	COMDAT _milisecs
_milisecs PROC						; COMDAT

; 41   : unsigned long milisecs() { return getmilisecs(tfim-tini);}; 

	mov	eax, DWORD PTR _tfim
	sub	eax, DWORD PTR _tini
	ret	0
_milisecs ENDP
PUBLIC	_secs
; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
;	COMDAT _secs
_secs	PROC						; COMDAT

; 42   : unsigned long secs() { return milisecs()/1000;}; 

	mov	ecx, DWORD PTR _tfim
	sub	ecx, DWORD PTR _tini
	mov	eax, 274877907				; 10624dd3H
	mul	ecx
	shr	edx, 6
	mov	eax, edx
	ret	0
_secs	ENDP
PUBLIC	??_C at _0BE@FFMOMMDD@?$CF02d?3?$CF02d?3?$CF02d?3?$CF03d?$AA@ ; `string'
PUBLIC	_spenttime
EXTRN	_sprintf:PROC
?buffer@?1??spenttime@@9 at 9 DB 040H DUP (?)		; `spenttime'::`2'::buffer
;	COMDAT ??_C at _0BE@FFMOMMDD@?$CF02d?3?$CF02d?3?$CF02d?3?$CF03d?$AA@
??_C at _0BE@FFMOMMDD@?$CF02d?3?$CF02d?3?$CF02d?3?$CF03d?$AA@ DB '%02d:%02d:'
	DB	'%02d:%03d', 00H				; `string'
; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
;	COMDAT _spenttime
_spenttime PROC						; COMDAT

; 45   : 	static char buffer[64];
; 46   : 	unsigned long systime			=	 secs();

	mov	eax, DWORD PTR _tfim
	sub	eax, DWORD PTR _tini
	xor	edx, edx
	mov	ecx, 1000				; 000003e8H
	div	ecx
	push	esi
	push	edi
	mov	esi, eax
	mov	edi, edx

; 47   : 	unsigned long milisectime		=	 milisecs()%1000;
; 48   : 	sprintf(buffer,"%02d:%02d:%02d:%03d",systime/3600,(systime%3600)/60,(systime%3600)%60,milisectime);

	mov	eax, -1851608123			; 91a2b3c5H
	mul	esi
	mov	ecx, edx
	shr	ecx, 11					; 0000000bH
	mov	edx, ecx
	imul	edx, 3600				; 00000e10H
	mov	eax, esi
	sub	eax, edx
	xor	edx, edx
	mov	esi, 60					; 0000003cH
	div	esi
	push	edi
	push	edx
	push	eax
	push	ecx
	push	OFFSET ??_C at _0BE@FFMOMMDD@?$CF02d?3?$CF02d?3?$CF02d?3?$CF03d?$AA@
	push	OFFSET ?buffer@?1??spenttime@@9 at 9
	call	_sprintf
	add	esp, 24					; 00000018H
	pop	edi

; 49   : 	return (const char*) buffer;

	mov	eax, OFFSET ?buffer@?1??spenttime@@9 at 9
	pop	esi

; 50   : };

	ret	0
_spenttime ENDP
PUBLIC	??_C at _0O@BKPPOCPE@?6?5chamou?5?$DN?5?$CFs?$AA@	; `string'
PUBLIC	_main
EXTRN	__imp__CloseHandle at 4:PROC
EXTRN	__imp__WaitForSingleObject at 8:PROC
EXTRN	__imp__CreateThread at 24:PROC
EXTRN	__imp__GetTickCount at 0:PROC
;	COMDAT ??_C at _0O@BKPPOCPE@?6?5chamou?5?$DN?5?$CFs?$AA@
??_C at _0O@BKPPOCPE@?6?5chamou?5?$DN?5?$CFs?$AA@ DB 0aH, ' chamou = %s', 00H ; `string'
; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
;	COMDAT _main
_iThreadId$ = -404					; size = 4
_mainThread$ = -400					; size = 400
_a$ = 8							; size = 4
_b$ = 12						; size = 4
_main	PROC						; COMDAT

; 53   : {

	sub	esp, 404				; 00000194H
	push	ebx
	push	ebp
	push	esi
	push	edi

; 54   :  int i;
; 55   :  DWORD  iThreadId;
; 56   :  HANDLE mainThread[num_th];
; 57   :  tfim 	= 	0;

	mov	DWORD PTR _tfim, 0

; 58   :  tini	=	GetTickCount();

	call	DWORD PTR __imp__GetTickCount at 0

; 59   :  for(i=0;	i<	num_th;i++)

	mov	edi, DWORD PTR __imp__CreateThread at 24
	mov	DWORD PTR _tini, eax
	xor	esi, esi
$LL6 at main:

; 60   : 		mainThread[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)thread_call, (LPVOID)TESTE, 0, (DWORD *)&iThreadId);

	lea	eax, DWORD PTR _iThreadId$[esp+420]
	push	eax
	push	0
	push	OFFSET _thread_call
	push	0
	push	0
	call	edi
	mov	DWORD PTR _mainThread$[esp+esi*4+420], eax
	add	esi, 1
	cmp	esi, 100				; 00000064H
	jl	SHORT $LL6 at main

; 61   : 		
; 62   :  //WaitForMultipleObjects(  num_th,  (const HANDLE* )mainThread,  TRUE,  INFINITE);
; 63   :   for( i=0; i < num_th;  i++)

	mov	ebx, DWORD PTR __imp__WaitForSingleObject at 8
	mov	ebp, DWORD PTR __imp__CloseHandle at 4
	xor	esi, esi
$LL3 at main:

; 64   :   {
; 65   : 	WaitForSingleObject( mainThread[i], INFINITE ); 

	mov	edi, DWORD PTR _mainThread$[esp+esi*4+420]
	push	-1
	push	edi
	call	ebx

; 66   : 	 CloseHandle(mainThread[i]);

	push	edi
	call	ebp
	add	esi, 1
	cmp	esi, 100				; 00000064H
	jl	SHORT $LL3 at main

; 67   :   }
; 68   :   tfim = GetTickCount();

	call	DWORD PTR __imp__GetTickCount at 0
	mov	DWORD PTR _tfim, eax

; 69   :  
; 70   :  printf("\n chamou = %s",spenttime () );

	sub	eax, DWORD PTR _tini
	xor	edx, edx
	mov	ecx, 1000				; 000003e8H
	div	ecx
	mov	esi, eax
	mov	edi, edx
	mov	eax, -1851608123			; 91a2b3c5H
	mul	esi
	mov	ecx, edx
	shr	ecx, 11					; 0000000bH
	mov	edx, ecx
	imul	edx, 3600				; 00000e10H
	mov	eax, esi
	sub	eax, edx
	xor	edx, edx
	mov	esi, 60					; 0000003cH
	div	esi
	push	edi
	push	edx
	push	eax
	push	ecx
	push	OFFSET ??_C at _0BE@FFMOMMDD@?$CF02d?3?$CF02d?3?$CF02d?3?$CF03d?$AA@
	push	OFFSET ?buffer@?1??spenttime@@9 at 9
	call	_sprintf
	push	OFFSET ?buffer@?1??spenttime@@9 at 9
	push	OFFSET ??_C at _0O@BKPPOCPE@?6?5chamou?5?$DN?5?$CFs?$AA@
	call	_printf
	add	esp, 32					; 00000020H
	pop	edi
	pop	esi
	pop	ebp

; 71   :  return 0;

	xor	eax, eax
	pop	ebx

; 72   : }

	add	esp, 404				; 00000194H
	ret	0
_main	ENDP

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