[LLVMdev] Pass linking problems

Duncan Sands baldrick at free.fr
Mon Dec 7 01:36:28 PST 2009


>     I'm attempting to use Module::getTypeByName in my pass, but when I 
> run the pass with opt, I get this:
> opt: symbol lookup error: 
> /home/mmwu/Download/32/llvm/Release/lib/ParallelSort.so: undefined 
> symbol: _ZNK4llvm6Module13getTypeByNameENS_9StringRefE
> The pass worked before I added the call in. What do I need to link with 
> the pass to get it to work? Or is there something wrong with my setup?

this symbol is defined in libLLVMCore.a.  Check that this library does not
come before any users of the symbol on the linker command line.



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