[LLVMdev] LLVM MinGW binaries on Vista issue

Jon jon.forums at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 08:00:47 PST 2009

> > Is this the cause or is there something else I need to due with the LLVM binaries?
> Yes, this might be a possible issue. I'm not sure whether apple's gcc
> 4.2 (which llvm-gcc 4.2 is based originally on) has that vista
> workaround patches.
> Unfortunately, I don't have vista box around to check / debug this issue.

What's the next step given that, as much as I'd like to, I can't send you a vista box?

I'm feeling the patch-the-sources-and-try-compiling-it-yourself answer (which I had hoped to avoid) coming on ;)

Any way to get this added to the 2.7 mingw binary release TODO list for proper confirmation/fixing by the LLVM experts?

Thanks, Jon

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