[LLVMdev] I add utf8 meta for all html documents:)

Eli Friedman eli.friedman at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 09:09:17 PDT 2009

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 7:23 AM, 罗勇刚(Yonggang Luo)<luoyonggang at gmail.com> wrote:
> The patch is for version 77784
> And it's fixed the cmake for eclipse win32 mingw makefile  output:)
> Also a warning in VS 2008 on stub.c
> Hope someone apply this patch.
> And those files that place the
>  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
> Before <title> is just because of
> in tag title may contains strange characters such as Chinese
> Characters and so on:)

One issue per patch, please.

The HTML changes look fine, but please split them into a separate patch.

-  else( MSVC )
+#Support for eclipse and don't need msys or cygwin
+#It's working fine on my computer:)
+  elseif( MINGW AND WIN32 )
+	set( ${var} "i686-pc-win32" PARENT_SCOPE )
+  else ( MINGW AND WIN32 )

The most common triple for MinGW is i686-pc-mingw32, although there
any many different possibilities.  Also, comments should be complete
sentences, and should be directed at someone newly looking at the code
rather than a patch reviewer.  Someone more familiar with CMake should
also take a look at this.

Are the changes to CMakeLists.txt all whitespace changes?  Can you
explain the justification?

-  execvp(Interp, (char *const*)Args);
+  execvp(Interp, (const char *const*)Args);

What exactly is the warning here?  execvp is normally defined as follows:
    int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);


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