[LLVMdev] Removal of Visual Studio project files.

Cédric Venet cedric.venet at laposte.net
Wed Nov 26 01:51:47 PST 2008

OvermindDL1 a écrit :
> Nice, very well done on the CMake build.  This command worked perfectly:
> cmake -G "Visual Studio 8 2005"
> -D_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0" ..\trunk > ..\build_log.txt
> And for the actual build, went very well.  The INSTALL was much
> project was better then I was expecting (although did not install to a
> place I wanted it to, I guess that can be changed with another option
> passed to the above command-line call).  No errors in the build, and

I think -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="your/path" should work. But if you are 
not against gui, you may try cmakesetup (or ccmake on linux show an 
ncurse interface). it will show you all the available options, and allow 
you to change them. The option will  be remenbered so you just have to 
do it one time, after you can just use VS.


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