[LLVMdev] Advice on CFG pre-analysis

Joachim Durchholz jo at durchholz.org
Wed May 28 02:20:19 PDT 2008

Am Dienstag, den 27.05.2008, 21:19 -0700 schrieb Talin:
> The overall motivation for this, BTW, is my attempt to prove a
> personal 
> theory, which is that most static type systems are guarding against the 
> wrong things. Type mismatch errors don't keep programmers up at night; 
> null pointers, deadlocks and race conditions do.

Re inference for null pointers, Haskell offers very similar facilities
with its type inference and the Maybe typeclass.
(I mention Haskell because its syntax and type system are particularly
simple; most other statically-typed functional programming languages
essentially do the same thing.)

I'm not sure about deadlocks and race conditions, but I heard the
Haskell community has been working on idioms for these as well.

Hope this helps,

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