[LLVMdev] LLVM as a DLL

kr512 kr512 at optusnet.com.au
Tue May 13 00:34:19 PDT 2008

Tanya Lattner wrote:
> Your "point" has been made (regardless if the point has 
> changed over time).

My point did not change, rather I just used the wrong name 
in my original message, or I stated my point in a manner 
less specific than people here would have preferred.

> You feel the need to keep repeating that LLVM is not a 
> COMPLETE backend.

A number of people did not understand my original message so 
it was necessary to provide more information.  Also, some 
people asked me questions.  You don't expect me to ignore 
their questions, do you?  Jon Harrop, for example, asked an 
important question that I needed to reply to.

> Fine, thats your opinion based upon your definition of a 
> complete backend.

It is an indisputable and agreed FACT that LLVM alone by 
itself is incapable of generating a ready-to-execute .EXE or 
.DLL file.

> Point made. Please move on.

Oh come on, it is not like I have been harping about this 
for weeks.  My first message to this mailing list was only 
*3* days ago!  And the total number of messages I have ever 
sent to this mailing list is what, 4 or 5 messages?  Whereas 
I am sure there are people here who have posted hundreds of 

> If LLVM does not compile with MSVS 2008, then please 
> provide patches.  We currently do not have many people 
> developing on Windows, so unless someone steps up and 
> helps, it will never get better.

I will do what I can.

> LLVM is an open source project. You can not expect people 
> who work on it in their free time to magically do all the 
> work that you require to make your customers happy.  You 
> have to do your part too.

I already started doing my part.  The first step in doing my 
part is discussing the issues with the people here, and 
trying to understand their points, and trying to help them 
understand my points.

To just blindly jump in and start writing code for LLVM 
without having a discussion/debate here first, that would be 
crazy.  And it has only been *3* days since I joined this 
mailing list -- can't you give me a few more days to learn 
this environment before expecting contributions from me?

And can't you give other people on this mailing list, busy 
people who may not be able to respond immediately, a few 
more days to read and reply to my message, so they can add 
their valuable insight to the discussion?

I was not expecting people to do free work for me, rather I 
was merely providing feedback that I hope will be 
useful/helpful to people here, for the purpose of making 
LLVM better and more successful.

Also, this is not about making my customers happy.  I only 
mentioned them as an example because it makes it easier to 
understand the issue from a real-world perspective.  Also, 
the improvements to LLVM that I propose would make LLVM much 
more attractive to MANY people not only my customers.

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