[LLVMdev] Preferring to use GCC instead of LLVM

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Tue May 13 00:21:34 PDT 2008

> This means that LLVM requires an assembler and linker. Call it
> GCC or binutils, it is irrelevant. The OP point is that LLVM
> is not a self-sufficient tool on this aspect.
> Of course, if this is a serious problem for the OP, the
> correct way of dealing with it is to take constructive, polite
> actions for correcting it :-)

I know one compiler (Free Pascal) that directly can write ELF and 
files and also Windows EXE/DLL files.

So it is actually possible to do this with limited resources (the 
FPC developer community isn't that large). It just has to be 

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