[LLVMdev] LLVM on OpenBSD

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Wed Jun 18 00:20:27 PDT 2008

> With 3.3.5 my first test took 5 times to produce a non "bus
> error" build. There were no 'make cleans' in between.
> What is going on?

You mean you used your bsd-ports-provided gcc to compile LLVM and 
you've got 4 times a bus-error during the build?  In this case, 
it cannot be a LLVM problem.

In the linux-community, people say that bus-error's are almost 
always because of faulty hardware, e.g. problem with DRAM 
timing, overheated CPU, power-supply that cannot provide enought 
power during current surges, things like that.

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