[LLVMdev] Is there room for another build system?

Óscar Fuentes ofv at wanadoo.es
Wed Jul 30 14:14:45 PDT 2008

Albert Graef <Dr.Graef at t-online.de> writes:


> Here are some points worth considering:
> http://www.remlab.net/op/cmake.shtml (Some of these may already be
> addressed in newer cmake versions, I haven't checked recently.)


Some points you mention on your web page are solved. Others are not
applicable to LLVM. Others can be fixed within CMake itself (with some
effort, of course). I lack the knowledge to judge the points you raise
about distribution, package creation, etc. Finally, IMHO your concers
about CMake not preserving as many [autotools] feautures as [it] can,
does not apply to LLVM, at least as there is someone who vounteers to do
the replication work :-)

Please, some LLVM release manager (Tanya?), read Albert's web page and
evaluate how much impact have the issues he raises on your work.


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