[LLVMdev] InstructionCombining forgets alignment of globals

Nicolas Capens nicolas at capens.net
Thu Jul 10 03:18:28 PDT 2008

Hi all,


The InstructionCombining pass causes alignment of globals to be ignored.


I've attached a replacement of Fibonacci.cpp which reproduces this (I used
2.3 release). Here's the x86 code it produces:


03C20019  movaps      xmm0,xmmword ptr ds:[164E799h] 

03C20020  mulps       xmm0,xmmword ptr ds:[164E79Ah] 

03C20027  movaps      xmmword ptr ds:[164E799h],xmm0 

03C2002E  mov         esp,ebp 

03C20030  pop         ebp  

03C20031  ret          


All three SSE instructions will generate a fault for accessing unaligned
memory. Disabling InstructionCombining gives me the following correct code:


03B10010  push        ebp  

03B10011  mov         ebp,esp 

03B10013  and         esp,0FFFFFFF0h 

03B10019  movups      xmm0,xmmword ptr ds:[164E79Ah] 

03B10020  movups      xmm1,xmmword ptr ds:[164E799h] 

03B10027  mulps       xmm1,xmm0 

03B1002A  movups      xmmword ptr ds:[164E799h],xmm1 

03B10031  mov         esp,ebp 

03B10033  pop         ebp  

03B10034  ret    


Unless I'm missing something this is quite clearly a bug. I'll give it a try
to locate the faulty code but all help is very welcome.




Nicolas Capens

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