[LLVMdev] Building LLVM on Windows

Gordon Henriksen gordonhenriksen at mac.com
Fri Jan 4 04:46:42 PST 2008

Hi Alain,

Thanks for all this! I'll restrict my comments to the ocaml bindings…

On 2008-01-03, at 12:35, Alain Frisch wrote:

> The OCaml bindings needs some more work (I've haven't succeeded yet)  
> to compile under Mingw:
> - the statement CFLAGS+=... in bindings/ocaml/Makefile.ocaml is  
> destroyed if we set CFLAGS in Makefile.config (this might be solved  
> by using =? instead of = in Makefile.config);

Can you explain the cause of this behavior? CFLAGS += appears in  
Makefile.ocaml after include …/Makefile.config to avoid precisely this  

> - the variables OCAMLC, OCAMLOPT, OCAMLDEP in Makefile.config are  
> Windows paths (they should be Cygwin paths);

I don't have a Cygwin environment to test in. Please apply the  
attached configure.patch to see if it's suitable (autoconf.patch is  
the source). If it works well, I'll commit it.

> - there should be quotes when adding to CFLAGS in Makefile.ocaml:
> CFLAGS += -I"$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where)";


> - use $(SYSPATH) as below for all the ocaml commands;

Looks like you set SYSPATH by hand? I'll hold off on this for now.

> - replace .a with .lib in Makefile.ocaml;
> - adapt llvm-config to produce .lib suffixes for --libnames;

I guess we need a configure test?

— Gordon

P.S. — http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/llvmdev/2008-January/011992.html

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