[LLVMdev] Build errors on trunk for about a week now.

Cédric Venet cedric.venet at laposte.net
Fri Dec 5 05:38:59 PST 2008

OvermindDL1 a écrit :
> Been trying to build the trunk to test some things for about a week
> now using VS8 (VS2k5).  Tons of Warnings (like things first being
> declared struct, being redefined class and so forth, those need to be
> fixed, but are otherwise not harmful), and a *lot* of errors.  Being
> trunk I figured just the normal trunk-type issues, but it has been
> going on for a while now, so figured it would be good to state so it
> can be fixed.  These errors are with a fresh CMake from a fresh SVN
> checkout all into fresh directories, still happens.  Full build log is
> attached to this email (too big for pastebin uncompressed, but
> compressed down to a nice 15kb).

should be fixed with r60590 (work for me)

I hope this commit is considered as a trivial fix and that I didn't 
overstep my commit right.
I don't have a working test suit here, so I only checked it compile on 

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