[LLVMdev] Problem of running data structure analysis (DSA) on Linux kernel

John Criswell criswell at cs.uiuc.edu
Fri Sep 14 07:35:23 PDT 2007

Haifeng He wrote:

We use DSA on a modified version of Linux 2.4.22 (specifically, this is
a port of Linux to the SVA virtual architecture, which is described in
part in the papers listed at the end of this email).  We use the SVA
branches of LLVM and poolalloc.  These branches are derived from the
release_19 branches of these projects (which corresponds to LLVM 1.9).

I'm not sure, but I think Andrew may have ported the DSA changes from
the SVA branch to mainline and is using it on Linux 2.6, so mainline
LLVM and DSA might work as well.

The LLVA papers:

o LLVA: A Low-level Virtual Instruction Set Architecture:
o A Virtual Instruction Set Interface for Operating System Kernels:
o Secure Virtual Architecture: A Safe Execution Environment for
Commodity Operating Systems: To be presented at SOSP 2007

-- John T.
> Hi,
> I ran into a problem when running DSA on Linux kernel (the Kernel
> version I used is
> 2.4.31). The analysis was aborted when it tried to do
> DSNode::mergeTypeInfo on some data structure in the kernel. I have
> filed a bug report at http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1656.
> My question is what version of Linux kernel LLVM has been tested on
> successfully? To run DSA analysis, should I use the latest version of
> llvm and poolalloc or should I checkout a particular version?
> thanks
> haifeng
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