[LLVMdev] C interface

Erick Tryzelaar idadesub at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Sep 13 20:35:59 PDT 2007

Hello Gordon,

I'm part of the felix dev team, and I've been interested in making a 
backend for felix in llvm. It's very exciting to hear that you're making 
an ocaml interface to llvm. Do you have any of the libraries exposed to 
the public yet? Also, what license do you plan on using for the code? 
Felix is bsd, like llvm, so if there's any chance that you'll use a 
bsd-compatible license, we'd be very thankful.


Gordon Henriksen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm authoring a C interface to the LLVM IR type system. Since this is 
> Really Quite Tedious, I would like to solicit opinions before I get 
> too far down any paths that seem offensive. I've attached the header, 
> where I've mapped a portion of Module and most of Type and its 
> subclasses. This is working, and I've built ocaml bindings on top of 
> it.[1] My intent is to extend this work (only) far enough to author a 
> language front-end. The C bindings should help other languages which 
> want to have self-hosting front-ends, and probably a C interface to 
> the JIT would be well-received.
> My naming conventions are similar to the Carbon interfaces in OS X. 
> (Should I prefer a Unixy flavor instead?) Naming prefix is LLVM, which 
> may be a bit long. (Would LL be better?) Pointers are opaque, 
> obviously. I find myself copying enums, which is mildly scary.
> I'm using C strings instead of const char*, size_t tuples. This avoids 
> having to write things like "tmp", strlen("tmp") in C, and is 
> well-supported for language bindings. Nevertheless, most languages 
> other than C have binary-safe string types, so I'm certainly willing 
> to have my mind changed if we want to prefer correctness over 
> inconvenience to the C programmer. (Providing overloads is silly, though.)
> I'm putting the headers in include/llvm-c. I created a new library 
> called Interop to house the C bindings—but it might make more sense to 
> implement the C bindings in each library instead. They're just glue 
> which the linker will trivially DCE, so that approach may have merit.
> — Gordon
> [1]
> *$ cat emit_bc.ml*
> open Llvm
> let emit_bc filename =
>   let m = create_module filename in
>   let big_fn_ty = make_pointer_type
>     (make_function_type (void_type ())
>                         [| make_vector_type (float_type ()) 4;
>                            make_pointer_type
>                              (make_struct_type [| double_type ();
>                                                   x86fp80_type ();
>                                                   fp128_type ();
>                                                   ppc_fp128_type () 
> |] true);
>                            make_pointer_type
>                              (make_struct_type [| make_integer_type 1;
>                                                   make_integer_type 3;
>                                                   i8_type ();
>                                                   i32_type () |] false);
>                            make_pointer_type
>                              (make_array_type (make_opaque_type ()) 4) |]
>                         false) in
>   (* string_of_lltype is implemented in ocaml, so the info on stdout
>      shows that make_*_type isn't a write-once/read-never interface. *)
>   print_endline ("big_fn_ty = " ^ (string_of_lltype big_fn_ty));
>   ignore(add_type_name m "big_fn_ty" big_fn_ty);
>   if not (write_bitcode_file m filename)
>     then print_endline ("write failed: " ^ filename);
>   dispose_module m
> let _ = 
>   if 2 = /Array./length /Sys./argv
>     then emit_bc /Sys./argv.(1)
>     else print_endline "Usage: emit_bc FILE"
> *$ make emit_bc*
> ocamlc -cc g++ -I ../llvm/Release/lib/ocaml llvm_ml.cma -o emit_bc 
> emit_bc.ml
> *$ ./emit_bc test.bc*
> big_fn_ty = void (< 4 x float >, { double, x86fp80, fp128, ppc_fp128 
> }*, { i1, i3, i8, i32 }*, [ 4 x opaque ]*)*
> *$ llvm-dis -o - test.bc*
> ; ModuleID = 'test.bc'
>         %big_fn_ty = type void (<4 x float>, <{ double, x86_fp80, 
> fp128, ppc_fp128 }>*, { i1, i3, i8, i32 }*, [4 x opaque]*)*
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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