[LLVMdev] How to put a pass for last?

Emílio Wuerges wuerges at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 14:29:13 PDT 2007

Hello guys,

I'm writing a pass that must check every machine instruction that will go to
I've put my pass registration just before the "addAsmEmmiter" line in

But, iterating trought machine functions and basic blocks inside the
functions, there are still machine instructions that I cant reach.

This is the beginnig of the asm output of my example test program:

        .align  16
        .globl  main
        .type   main, #function
        sethi 4194296, %g1
        or %g1, 56, %g1
        save %g1, %o6, %o6
        sethi 0, %l0

The nop right before sethi is one instruction I'm not being able to reach in
my pass.
But there is more:

        add %l0, 1, %l0
        st %l0, [%i6+-12]
.BB1_2: ! bb8
        ld [%i6+-12], %l0
        subcc %l0, 1000, %l0
        bl .BB1_1       ! bb
.BB1_3: ! bb12
        ba .BB1_5       ! bb19
        or %g0, 1, %l0

Here both the "ba" and the "nop", that are the 3rd and 2nd last operations
of this snipet, are not reachable.

Could I express myself good enougth?
Is it possible to do what I want?
Do you know what might be the problem?

Emilio Wuerges
LAPS - Laboratorio de Automacao de Projeto de Sistemas
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
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