[LLVMdev] API changes (was Antw.: 2.0 Pre-release tarballs online)

Bram Adams bram.adams at ugent.be
Fri May 18 14:01:58 PDT 2007


Op 18-mei-07, om 00:11 heeft Chris Lattner het volgende geschreven:

> I'll mention this in the release notes.  The darwin linker in 10.5  
> (not
> yet released) supports llvm, and there is an experimental patch for
> binutils, but I don't knows its current state.

OK, I'll try out the latter (and wait for Leopard in the meantime :-)).

> This is all very useful.  If you have any more additions, please  
> let me
> know.  Thanks again,

You're welcome, here's some more:
  * The various IntXTy's are not considered primitive anymore by e.g.  
  * It seems that a C-call like printf("---\n") is transformed to puts 
("---") in the LLVM IR instead of keeping it a printf. What are the  
circumstances in which this happens? Do other similar conversions  
occur? Can this be turned off (lower optimisation level?)? Manually  
replacing the puts-calls by a printf-call is not straightforward, as  
the argument should be appended a '\n' (implicit with puts).

Kind regards,

Bram Adams
GH-SEL, INTEC, Ghent University (Belgium)

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