[LLVMdev] A few inline assembly questions

Zack Rusin zrusin at trolltech.com
Sun Mar 18 09:04:14 PDT 2007


I'm contemplating adding llvm-gcc as a core platform to Qt, meaning we'd 
release Qt unless we would make sure it compiles and works with llvm-gcc but 
I have some problems with making it work cleanly so I just wanted to ask a 
few simple questions. 
The problems refer to llvm and llvm-gcc from respectively cvs/svn which, I'm 
assuming, means upcoming 2.0 release.

1) we added a little inline assembly to do runtime detection of a few cpu 
features. llvm-g++ crashes on the attached testcase (test.cpp). 

2) i have code utilizing whatever vector insructions i can get my hands on to 
speed up some very common rendering operations. llvm-gcc doesn't seem to 
support mmx intrinsics which makes Qt compiled with llvm-gcc quite a bit 
slower when it comes to graphics. test2.cpp shows in essence what we're doing 
in Qt. we basically have a very simple class that defines simple static 
methods like negate/add/byte_mul/interpolate_pixel. now the question is if 
there is any way of getting code like this to utilize vector instructions 
with llvm-gcc. i wouldn't mind having llvm specific path there as long as it 

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