[LLVMdev] #line in generated C code

Bram Adams bram.adams at ugent.be
Wed Jul 11 02:58:51 PDT 2007


I've been experimenting with keeping debugging information in the  
LLVM 2.0 bitcode instead of stripping it immediately. However, I  
noticed a problem with the C backend.

lib/Target/CBackend/CBackend.cpp:2562 should read like this (or with  
a better abstraction of the path separator):


             << "/" << SPI.getFileName() << "\"\n";


instead of:


             << SPI.getFileName() << "\"\n";


Without it, I get things like:


#line 115 "/a/b/cd"


instead of


#line 115 "/a/b/c/d"


What strategy do LLVM passes and code take towards preserving  
debugging code? Do they e.g. use special functions which ignore  
debugging info to get at the next/previous instruction?

Kind regards,

Bram Adams
GH-SEL, INTEC, Ghent University (Belgium)

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