[LLVMdev] 2007 LLVM Developer's Meeting

Reid Spencer rspencer at reidspencer.com
Fri Jan 19 11:42:51 PST 2007


I'm pleased to announce that we will be holding a 2007 LLVM Developer's
Meeting in a few months. This is a great opportunity for everyone to
share ideas, plan the future, and get to know one another. The poll
taken at the end of last year indicates a strong interest in such a
meeting. This is just an announcement that the meeting will go forward.
Further details will be forthcoming. Stay tuned.

Based on your feedback, here's what the poll indicated.

Interest Level: 
    27 people (61%) expressed strong interest
    16 people (37%) expressed mild interest

    27 expected

   Apple Campus, Cupertino, CA (62% wanted Bay Area)

The choice of which month to hold the meeting was a bit muddled:
     1. May (21%)
     2. June (18%)
     3. August (21%)
     4. September (16%)
We'll need to resolve this soon. 

What you'd like to get out of this most is:
     1. Meeting LLVM people (33%)
     2. Exchanging ideas with colleagues (28%)
     3. Learning LLVM better (23%)
     4. Other (16%)

The responses also indicated that you would like to see content focused
     1. using LLVM (24% 1st choice, 23% 2nd choice, 3% 3rd choice)
     2. workshop for planning LLVM future (15% 1st choice, 23% 2nd
        choice, 23% 3rd choice)
     3. presentation/paper on LLVM (14% 1st choice, 18% 2nd choice, 17%
        3rd choice).

Many of you also expressed an interest in helping to provide the meeting

So, here's what's decided so far:

     1. Meeting will be held
     2. Location is the Apple campus in Cupertino, CA
     3. Duration is 1 day
     4. Weekday is Friday or Monday
     5. This won't be a conference, just a meeting. While we'll invite
        people to present, there won't be any formal paper submission,
        adjudication, etc. 
     6. Content will be focused on the attendees interests as expressed

Please stay tuned for more details.

Best Regards,

Reid Spencer

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