[LLVMdev] Git/Svn numbers

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Tue Dec 4 05:41:36 PST 2007

> So, to summarize:
> Git clone is seven times faster than svn checkout for
> the llvm and clang repositories.
> Git repo size is half of svn repo size.

Yeah, git is incredibly fast, even for huge project (like the 
linux kernel).

For the way LLVM works, I can only see one drawback: it works 
always atomically with a whole tree. An example: if you have one 
git repository with directories a/ b/ c/ each with 2500 files, 
then git can only clone/pull/checkout/push/whatever ALL three 
directory with all 7500 files. With svn, you can opt to just get 
a/, when you aren't interested in b/ and c/.

Today I stumbed over this blog:


Here the author describes how he uses git to checkout an svn 
repository, work then in git (making lots of little commits 
there) and then use "git svn dcommit" to commit (from git!) back 
into the svn repository.

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