[LLVMdev] Turning on exception handling codegen

Duncan Sands baldrick at free.fr
Mon Aug 27 01:51:57 PDT 2007

Hi Bill,

> > PS: 32 bit or 64 bit?
> >
> It's 64-bit, which Anton says doesn't work. But I'm not sure if this
> is a 64-bit specific bug.

there are a couple of 32 bit assumptions in EmitExceptionTable.
A quick scan gives:

      SizeSites += M*(sizeof(int32_t) +               // Site start.
                      sizeof(int32_t) +               // Site length.
                      sizeof(int32_t) +               // Landing pad.

This might be correct for 64 bit targets - not sure.

    unsigned SizeAlign = (4 - TotalSize) & 3;
This is used to align the typeinfos.  Since these have size
TAI->getAddressSize(), presumably 4 -> 8 and 3 -> 7 on 64 bit

    O << "GCC_except_table" << SubprogramCount << ":\n";
This is also part of the logic to align the typeinfos.  I don't
know what "2" means here, but this needs to result in an alignment
that is OK for a typeinfo (which has size TAI->getAddressSize()).

This is the last line of the function.  I don't know what it is for.

If you send me the assembler produced by gcc for your machine, it
should be easy to work out what the right values are here.



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