[LLVMdev] Regalloc Refactoring

Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira fernando at CS.UCLA.EDU
Thu Apr 12 15:41:40 PDT 2007

> I'm definitely interested in improving coalescing and it sounds like
> this would fall under that work.  Do you have references to papers
> that talk about the various algorithms?

Some suggestions:

   AUTHOR     = {Zoran Budimlic and Keith D. Cooper and Timothy J. Harvey 
and Ken Kennedy and Timothy S. Oberg and Steven W. Reeves},
   YEAR       = "2002",
   TITLE      = "Fast copy coalescing and live-range identification",
   PAGES      = "25-32",
   PUBLISHER  = "ACM Press"

   AUTHOR     = "Vugranam C. Sreedhar and Roy Dz-ching Ju and David M. 
Gillies and Vatsa Santhanam",
   YEAR       = 1999,
   TITLE      = "Translating out of Static Single Assignment Form",
   booktitle  = {SAS},
   publisher  = {Springer-Verlag},
   pages      = {194-210}

And I have a quite fast algo that I believe is simpler than [Budimlic02] 
and I can share it with you :)


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