[LLVMdev] moving to svn?

Scott Michel scottm at rushg.aero.org
Mon Nov 27 12:27:54 PST 2006

Reid Spencer wrote:
> Rafael,
> On Mon, 2006-11-27 at 16:05 -0300, Rafael EspĂ­ndola wrote:
>>Just wondering: Is there any plan to move to svn? I would love to have
>>a diff command that works when I am offline :-)
> Its been discussed from time to time. I would like to see this as well,
> but for an additional reasons: simpler branch management and faster
> updates, etc. SVN handles directories better and merging head to/from a
> branch is much easier (no tagging required because it remembers the
> merges). 
> Unfortunately, this is a pretty big change. The main issues are:
> 1. retention of original log
> 2. converting the post-commit scripts
> 3. Subversion isn't fully distributed and if we're going to change, is
> SVN really the
>    best choice?

Look into tailor (http://darcs.arstecnica.it/). It works well with
converting repositories as well as running those repos in parallel until
the official cutover. Granted, you might need darcs to pull the current
version out of its repo, since it was originally designed with darcs in
mind. Nonetheless, it works rather well.


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