[LLVMdev] C++ to C

Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah napi at axiomsol.com
Thu Nov 16 20:49:27 PST 2006

After converting a piece of C++ code to C one of the functions that are
generated is this:

Where is it defined and where can I find the source for it?  I need the
source to compile it with a C compiler (AMPC) that will convert the C
code to Java Bytecode.  If the above function is in C++ then I need to
convert it to C first.

Here's the code segment that uses the function:

int main(void) {
3C_char_3E__20__3E_ *ltmp_2_2;

   /*tail*/ __main();
  ltmp_2_2 =  /*tail*/
&_ZSt4cout), (&(_2E_str_1[0])));
  return 0;

Thanks for any tips.


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