[LLVMdev] LLVM and newlib progress

Pertti Kellomäki pk at cs.tut.fi
Thu Nov 9 10:35:29 PST 2006

This is in response to Reid's and John's comments about

The setting of the work is a project on reconfigurable
processors using the Transport Triggered Architecture (TTA)
For the compiler this means that the target architecture
is not fixed, but rather an instance of a processor template.
Different instances of the template can vary in the mix of
function units and their connectivity. In addition to the
source files, the compiler takes a processor description
as input.

In practical terms this means that there is not much point
in keeping native libraries around, as the processor instances
are not compatible with each other. There is also no operating
system to make calls to. I/O is done by fiddling bits in
function units.

The plan is to use LLVM as a front end, and write a back
end that maps LLVM byte code to the target architecture.
One of the main issues is instruction scheduling, in order to
utilize the instruction level parallelism that TTAs potentially

Much of libc is just convenience functions expressible in plain C,
so my plan is to compile newlib to byte code libraries, which
would be linked with the application at the byte code level.
The linked byte code would then be passed to the back end and
mapped to the final target.

The only issue is how to deal with system calls. The idea
of using intrinsic functions for them comes from the way
memcpy etc. are currently handled in LLVM. At LLVM byte code level,
the libraries would contain calls to the intrinsic functions in
appropriate places, and upon encountering them the back end
would generate the corresponding code for the target.

If there are better options, I'm all ears. I have not committed
a single line of code yet, so design changes are very easy to do ;-)
We do have a linker for the target architecture, so I suppose
it would be possible to leave calls to the library functions
involving I/O unresolved at the byte code level, and link those
functions in at the target level. At a first glance intrinsics
seem to be less hassle, but I could well be wrong.

In practice I/O will probably boil down to reading a byte and writing
a byte, mainly for debugging purposes. My understanding is that
the real I/O will take place via dual port memories, DMA, or
some other mechanism outside of libc.

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