[LLVMdev] LLVM / C--

Andrew Lenharth andrewl at lenharth.org
Wed Nov 1 11:52:20 PST 2006

On 11/1/06, Guillaume FORTAINE <guillaume.fortaine at wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> >Neither C-- nor LLVM provide this. Why do you need a GLR parser
> >specifically?
> Parsing with arbitrary context-free grammars has two key advantages:
> In short : to have cutting-edge stuff and to forget bison another GNU tool ...

This doesn't really answer the question.  If you need to get C/C++
into llvm, it would make sense to use the most mature, stable, and
supported tool you can.  In this case that is llvm-gcc.  If what you
need is hacking on languages, do whatever.


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