[LLVMdev] Virtual "components" for llvm-config

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Wed Mar 22 22:22:26 PST 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 00:58 -0500, Eric Kidd wrote:
> On Mar 22, 2006, at 11:22 PM, Reid Spencer wrote:
> > LLVM back end target library (LLVM IR -> machine code).
> What would you include in each set?

I dunno. You want me to actually think about this stuff?  :)

I'd have to derive the actual set of required libraries, but I'm lacking
motivation for that task right now.

> > There are
> > probably a few other categories, for example utilities that only mess
> > with passes (e.g. opt, LLVM bc -> LLVM bc).
> In many of these cases, you can just ask for the components you need:
>    $ llvm-config --libs bcreader bcwriter scalaropts
> I think this is pretty reasonable.


> Do you think we need to provide  
> short aliases for all these combinations, or can we just let the user  
> specify them manually?

I think just using the "long hand" is fine for now. If it becomes
cumbersome and repetitive then we can create the "virtual
components" (shorthand) as needed.

> "Virtual" components are quite useful, though, when (a) the exact set  
> of libraries needed varies by platform or (b) novice users will  
> typically link against a given set. So we need to cover both regular  
> compiler backends and the ExecutionEngine (because the right set of  
> libraries varies between machines) and possibly a few convenience  
> packages.

Yup. Note that I just committed a change to LibDeps.txt to reflect the
fact that ExecutionEngine now no longer depends on JIT or Interpreter
objects. This change was made by Chris today.

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