[LLVMdev] FW: assetion failed in llvm-java

Dmitriy Abramov dmitriy.abramov at star-force.com
Sun Feb 26 04:36:44 PST 2006



After llvm-java front-end compilation under cygwin I have encountered
with the problem. Compilation successfully complete but the assertion
message displayed while running application class2llvm.exe.



assertion "Ty->isInteger() && Ty->isSigned() && "Illegal type for signed
integer constant!"" failed: file "Constants.cpp", line 228


Stack trace:

Frame     Function  Args

0022E7A8  7C802542  (000006FC, 0000EA60, 000000A4, 0022E7E4)

0022E8B8  61088618  (00000000, 0022E9A8, 7C809F8A, 0022E9F0)

0022E9A8  610865FC  (00000000, 00000002, 40000000, 00000000)

0022EA28  61086B1B  (00000006, 00000001, 00000000, 00000000)

0022EAD8  61086CD3  (00001E48, 00000006, 0022EB08, 61086EC7)

0022EAE8  61086CFC  (00000006, 00000000, 0000B4B7, 6108AADF)

0022EB08  61086EC7  (610FC008, 005CEF78, 005CEDB0, 000000E4)

0022EB38  61001087  (005CEDB0, 000000E4, 005CEF78, 00000001)

0022EBA8  610844FF  (015C30E8, 005E8C60, 00000001, 00000000)

0022EC18  004CCEF0  (005E8C60, 0022ED04, 0022ED04, 005DA752)

0022ECD8  004B6018  (005E84B8, 005E8C60, 0022ED04, 005C0000)

0022ECF8  0041E8DA  (005E8C60, 00000001, 00000000, 004D624D)

0022ED78  0046B4AB  (00000001, 0000FFFF, 0022ED98, 61004282)

0022ED88  0046B602  (00000004, 00401150, 0022EDA8, 610042F2)

0022ED98  61004282  (00342240, 00000004, 0022EEB8, 004011B5)

0022EDA8  610042F2  (0022EE28, 0022EE84, 00000000, 00401181)

End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)


Could you advise me how I can fix this problem?


Thank you.



Best regards

Dmitry Abramov

Software Engineer

Protection Technologies




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