[LLVMdev] NASM Backend

Aaron Gray angray at beeb.net
Tue May 10 09:26:06 PDT 2005

Hi again,

I have put together a "blank skeleton" for a X86NASMPrinter class, with effectively the same behaviour as the X86IntelAsmPrinter class. I had to do this within the X86AsmPrinter.cpp file rather than as a separate source file as the dependancies were so. Please do not commit this yet, I have included it not for confidence sake :))

I do not know whether it is a good idea to split the X86AsmPrinter.cpp class up into a '.h' file as well as a '.cpp' file thus allowing the NASMPrinter to be in a separate '.cpp' file or not.

Also it would be possible to split X86AsmPrinter, X86IntelAsmPrinter, and X86ATTAsmPrinter up into different '.cpp' files and either a common or separate headers. Should I do this ?

There are another couple of other issues I would like advice on :-

One is testing how to go about testing the NASM backend and integrating the testing with the existing test framework. 

The other is why do the following methods return false :-

        bool X86IntelAsmPrinter::doInitialization(Module &M)
        bool X86TargetMachine::addPassesToEmitAssembly(PassManager &PM, std::ostream &Out)

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